Hello Gamers!
Thank you, thank you for signing up for our newsletter! We are so excited to share our gaming fun with you. This is our first official newsletter! You are in on the ground floor, my friend. Happy to have you join us.
Here’s what you’ll find in our newsletter:
- Update on Haunted Inheritance
- Release date information and how you can help
- Convention Reflection (I love when they rhyme!) & Additions
- Thank you’s
Update on Haunted Inheritance
Thank you to those of you who have played our game and given us such great feedback. We have taken a lot of it into consideration and are tweaking a few design elements, reorganizing the rules, adjusting the game play, and reimagining a few of the components. Our game is better because of you!
We had decided a while ago to do a Kickstarter to get our game out to players. However, when we looked closer at the path we would have to take, talked to several that had gone through the process, and saw how long it would take to get our game out, we paused. In fact, one person that we talked with said that they had done a Kickstarter awhile ago, sent the information to the publisher in April and was still waiting for his game in September. Yikes! That is too long. It seemed Kickstarter wasn’t for us. Enter… The Game Crafter.
A friend told us about The Game Crafter here in the Madison area. As we researched it more, we realized that we could get the game into your hands waaaaay sooner. There were so many components, access to customizations, and super user-friendly tools to help us get the game produced and printed. We also loved that they were a local company.
So, we shifted.
We have been spending almost every waking moment trying to get our designs reworked to fit the templates for Game Crafter. We are nearly there! Last night (actually this morning at 4:30 a.m.) we finished reworking the rule book. David is adjusting the game board now, to fit on the 6-fold board. We are soooo close!
We are hoping to click the ‘send to The Game Crafter‘ button by today, or very early this week. If you are a praying person, we would love your prayers!
Release Date Information & How You Can Help
If all goes according to plan, we can start our crowdfunding campaign before
Halloween! Here’s how crowdfunding at The Game Crafter works:

- When our campaign begins there is a set price. Let’s just say, as an example, it’s $80.
- As more and more people purchase the game, the cost goes down. In fact, for every 10 games sold, the price drops!
- So, if 100 people purchase the game, it may be only $75! If 500 people purchase, the cost would go lower, to maybe $55. If 1000 games are sold… well that would be AWESOME!!! (And a lot cheaper!)
- The cool thing about this way of crowd funding is that if you sign up early to purchase a game, you only pay what the final amount is. Even if it is less than you originally signed up to pay!
So… how can you help once we start the campaign?

It helps us get our game out to more players, and it helps the price you pay get lower and lower. Way to Go Haunted Family!! We will have links on our Facebook site, our Pizza With a Fork website, and (if I can manage it) maybe even an Instagram link!
We will let you know when the campaign is launched. If you know friends that may be interested, have them sign up for our newsletter so that they can hop on and help lower the price for everyone!
Convention Reflections & Additions
Our first convention was in Brookfield, WI at the Strong Tower Gamers Convention. It was a blast and we met some amazing people that weekend! We played Haunted Inheritance a lot, but also got to play a few new favorites including Rescuing Robin Hood (Which we found out was designed by a friend of a friend! Cool!), the Echidna Shuffle, Flick ’em Up, and Bears & Bees. These are all lighter games, that we don’t often get to play. We will be adding these to our library someday soon!
Our next convention is coming up this month! David is heading to The Gamehole Con here in Madison at the Alliant Energy Center, October 20 – 23. He will be at the Open Gaming Tables all weekend – Thursday through Sunday. (I mean… he will be eating and sleeping, and may play another game at some point, but you get the idea, right?) I might be joining him on Saturday and Sunday!
In January, we are heading to Midwinter Gaming Convention in Milwaukee, WI. (Happy birthday, David!) This is a super cool convention that focuses on and features lots of local and independent game designers. Like us!! They are just starting to get registration out, so we will fill you in more in future newsletters. Stay tuned!
Thank You’s
We want to thank EVERYONE for their super support during this journey. It has been so much fun sharing our successes, failures, laughs, stories, and experiences with so many. In every newsletter, we want to share gratitude for those who have helped us along the way.
- Seth Van Orden (one of the creators of Stockpile: The stock market game for insider trading) for his time, countless answers to our questions, advice, and support
- Steve for helping us edit our rules! You rock, man!!
- Tyler and Paddi for trying out the game to see if it actually worked without us hovering over you.
- The Dillers for helping us get some great video footage and fantastic facial expressions
- Bob for reading the rules to see if it made sense, playing Haunted Inheritance with us, and fending off fights from your grandson trying to steal your money during the game
- Sarah W for being our first newsletter subscriber even after the monsters got her TWICE in one night!
- Aunt Joy for being our first family member to sign up for our newsletter! Extra Oatmeal Raisin cookies for you at Thanksgiving!!
- Cookie Mike for giving us a shout out at Amtelco‘s 1Call seminar
- DeeDee & Raymond for the invite to my first gaming convention EVER! It was a blast!
Thanks to all for your support!
Our next newsletter will be with the announcement of our Haunted Inheritance Campaign at The Game Crafter!
Off to eat pizza… with a fork!
~Heather & David
Hi Carol!
We have lots of games that we love and would totally recommend! A few that we enjoy are Forbidden Island, Pandemic, Fuse, Flash Point: Fire Rescue, 5-Minute Dungeon (We play with my sister’s kids all the time!) and Code Names Duet. These are all different time lengths and difficulty levels. Hopefully, there is one that you think would suit Nate & his family. Oh!! I almost forgot the best cooperative game soon-to-be on the market…. Haunted Inheritance!