Can you find the hidden inheritance and avoid the monsters that are trying to keep you in the mansion forever? Oh. And there is a Zombie. Get your copy at Noble Knights Games!
Click here to get pre-order your copy and get free shipping!
Haunted Inheritance and Float Your Boat will be at several upcoming events and conventions:
Strong Tower Gaming Convention in Pewaukee, WI (September) GameHole Con in Madison, WI (October) Game Day with Safe Children for Families in Bristol, WI (October) Midwinter Gaming Convention in Waukesha, WI (January) Evercon in Rothchild, WI (February) Midwest Gaming Classic, Milwaukee, WI (April) Gaming Hoopla in Milwaukee, WI (May)
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Maybe that goes without saying because we are a board game company, but FUN is a major part of our lives! We hope we can help you enjoy this life with as many smiles, chuckles, and belly-laughs as possible!
When you have family and friends like ours, you’ve gotta hang around them! They make us laugh, challenge us, inspire us, and frankly… keep us comin’ back for more. And now that you are here… welcome to the family, friend!
We have been creating games for over 40 years! We want to design games that are accessible to ALL gamers! It’s fun to be around others who make our world better. We find inspiration all around!
We believe in a holy, creative God that made human beings in His likeness. He calls us to love each other, create beauty, protect his creation, and steward this incredible world well. At Pizza With A Fork Games, we pray over every game, and pray for those who are playing our games!