Are You Ready to Play?

Haunted Inheritance has arrived early and is being shipping to our many Crowdsale funders! If you ordered yours for pickup, you should have received an e-mail message with instructions for scheduling your pickup date and time. We hope you enjoy playing your very own copy of the game!

If you have any questions about the finer points of exploring a haunted mansion, check out our new FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) section here: Haunted Inheritance FAQ’s

Don’t forget you can also download a free game log to record all of the fun times you have playing the game, as well as how much inheritance money you collect! The game log is an editable PDF form that you can download and fill out on your computer or print and fill out by hand. You can find the game log here: Haunted Game Log

As we have seen from our many play testing sessions and game conventions, people really put their own personality to the Haunted Inheritance game play. (That’s why the pawns represent you, not fictional characters!) We’d love to hear about your funny or memorable Haunted Inheritance adventures in our comments section!


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