Midwinter Fun!

I am soooo going to this convention every year! What a super fun weekend with some super fun people!

Here are just a few highlights:

  • Our game with Brian, Brandon, James, Scott, Nate, and Kurt was hilarious. Brian took about 10 turns in a row going back and forth to try and unlock the Egyptian or Medieval rooms. When he finally unlocked one, Kurt blew by him and joked about locking it behind him! Oh my goodness, did we all laugh. …except maybe for Brian! At least his brother Brandon had his back. We laughed so much during this game!
  • Stephanie, wife of THE Tom Anderson, we are so glad you were the big winner! You, Tom, Chris and Mike were a stitch. I couldn’t believe that when you left and let me play for you, the zombie not only ended up one space away, but I was able to get away and lock the door behind me. Phew! Sorry I gave Tom the dog, I hope he wasn’t on the couch that night. I needed to represent for you!
  • Zach, the way that you used bribery and the dog to get the cards you needed was impressive. Chad, Jason, Jeanette, Shawna, and Michelle never saw you coming in as the big winner! Thanks for finding another fun twist on Haunted Inheritance.
  • During the game with Ryan, Michelle, Tiffany, David, and Patrick, there was so much strategizing. Tiffany, you were so stealthy and were hanging on for dear life. I couldn’t believe you were the only one alive at one point and then all of the sudden, everyone was back in it. Way to stay alive! Ryan, you found so much money! Too bad the money was split 5 ways. At least you were alive at the end! 
We have so many more stories and fun memories. Thanks for the laughs gamers!!
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