Day 3 was Craaaaaazy! (Fun!)

I just have to start off again with a ‘holla!’ to Strong Tower Gamers. Their convention was awesome. I know I’m a newbie, but it was perfect for me as an introvert, budding gamer, and new game designer. Huzzah to you STG!!

We started off the day with another incredible breakfast and celebrated DeeDee’s birthday. Woot, woot for you, friend!! Here’s to another blessed trip around the sun!♥

While Raymond headed off to his game at 10:00, we meandered into the convention to see what we could play. We walked into the convention center and looked up. On the screen, something appeared that made both David and me smile. Our game was scrolling on the big screen! Our game! It was the first time we had seen it posted there on the screen. There was a moment of pride that we were able to experience together. Not pride that leads to haughtiness and gradeaur, but the kind that knocks you to your knees in humility and gratefulness. We are so thankful that God has given us the talents we have to be able to create a game that others enjoy playing. I love that this game teaches others, especially kids, that you don’t have to be afraid. If you have a relationship with God, he has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of sound mind. Christians may not get it right all the time, but God does. He is the one that we can turn to when we are afraid, and He can be a peace and comfort.

While we were ooh-ing and ahhh-ing, there on the table was the game that had been eluding us all weekend… Rescuing Robin Hood!

We scooped it up and carefully laid out the cards. We fought some of The Sherriff of Nottingham’s soldiers and freed a few peasants. In fact, David and I almost made it to rescue Robin Hood, when my alarm went off. It was time for our 3rd Haunted Inheritance hosting session. (We had played it 4 or 5 times already!) We will be back for you Sherriff…

Our final hosting session began with new friends, Michael, Joseph, Joshua, Bill & Erin. Raymond joined us and was determined to continue his win streak at the convention. They started out hopeful and excited. Soon enough, the monsters were overtaking the mansion and things looked bleak. When Bill pumped up the group, it was Joseph in the end who won with $80,000. (Sorry Raymond!) During the game, we had quite a few stop by and ask about playing. After we finished the game, we offered one more session. Dan, the amazing statistic-man, played with Grant and Jake and ended up walking away with the win. ($200K of the fortune was his!)

We are forever grateful to Strong Towers Gamers Convention. It is our first time showing Haunted Inheritance. They made the experience beyond wonderful! Got bless you STG and all who played Haunted Inheritance!

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