August Newsletter

Hello, 🍕Pizza Players!
We have had a busy, but fun summer! We hope you have found time to laugh, enjoy time with friends and family, and maybe even play a few games this summer. We have a lot happening at PWaF and are excited to share some gaming news with you.
In this newsletter:
  1. Strong Tower Gaming Convention
  2. Announcing PWAF T-Shirts!
  3. Haunted Inheritance Retail Version
  4. Float Your Boat Production
  5. Luck: Legends of Ireland Updates
  6. Shout Outs
Strong Tower Gaming Convention Logo with a tower in the sky with a banner encircling
Strong Tower Gaming Convention
Strong Tower Gaming Convention is next weekend, September 6, 7, 8 at a new location, the Milwaukee Marriott West in Waukesha, Wisconsin! Pizza With a Fork will be there for the third year in a row, and this year we have a vendor booth! There are still plenty of opportunities to sign up to play Luck: Legends of Ireland and Haunted Inheritance, and special opportunities to be the first to try out one of our new clock variants for a future expansion to Haunted Inheritance! 
To attend the event, you will need to set up an account at Table Top Events (for free) and then purchase your badge for the day or weekend (pricing available on the website). After that, head to ‘Events Schedule‘ to sign up for open games. If you find a game that you would like to play, click ‘Add to Cart‘ and then ‘Checkout‘. It is free to play the games once you have a badge; that is just the language they use to get you signed up for a seat at the table to play the game. You can find all the games you sign up for at ‘My Schedule.’ If you need help, David or I would be happy to assist. Here is the link for Table Top Events and the Strong Tower Gaming Convention website.
If you visit the convention, please stop by our booth to check out our new t-shirts, mugs, and other SWAG or to purchase a first edition copy of Haunted Inheritance. Show us this newsletter and we have a FREE GIFT for you!! We are so excited for the opportunity to share the fun of PWAF with you.

Announcing PWAF T-Shirts!

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of Pizza With a Fork t-shirts! Check out the images above to see the shirts that will be available at our booth at the Strong Tower Gaming Convention. Be one of the first to own your very own Pizza With a Fork t-shirt! We have a variety of colors and sizes to choose from, including four different Haunted Inheritance designs. Let us know which ones are your favorites!

Pictured above, left to right:
* Don’t call him a Zombie. He doesn’t like it (black shirt)
* Tennis, anyone?  ~The Floating Head (white shirt)
* I would take the money and run. (eggplant shirt)
* God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind. -1 Timothy 1:7 (gold shirt)
* Pizza With a Fork Logo shirts (blue, grey, purple, brown, black shirts)

Haunted Inheritance Retail Version
There have been a few delays along the way, but the retail version of Haunted Inheritance is in production and is close to being ready for shipment. Hero Time has been working hard to make sure every detail is perfect. We are hoping to receive the games by the end of September so that we can get them into the local games stores we love.
The retail version will have the same gameplay as the original, but will have an easier to read rule book, a more compact box, and cardboard lock tokens on plastic stands instead of the molded locks. There are also a few tweaks to the artwork on the board to give it a little more POP!
We will be selling a limited number of first edition Haunted Inheritance games at the Strong Tower Gaming convention, so if you are a fan of the OG, you have one last chance to snatch it up.
Float Your Boat Production
David and Heather and getting Float Your Boat ready to sail, with plans to send it to the printers as soon as Haunted Inheritance arrives. We are ordering 1,000 copies with plans to get it into the stores in time for the holidays. The cards are looking great, and we had room to add in some more animals for even more fun. You will even find that we have added another level of play! That’s right, one game…. three levels of matchy-match fun. If you haven’t seen it, look for us at Strong Tower and ask us to let you try out the prototype.
Luck Legends of Ireland logo: Green shamrock with Luck written in large white letters and 'Legends of Ireland' written smaller below. David and Heather Drenk written above the logo.
Luck: Legends of Ireland Updates
Thanks to all of the great feedback we have received from you and other game fans, Luck: Legends of Ireland is out of the prototype stage and is getting closer to production. We will be waiting to see how our other games sell before we move forward, but have hopes of being able to produce Luck in time for Saint Patrick’s Day.
While we wait, there will be opportunities for you to play Luck next week at Strong Tower Gaming Convention and at Midwinter Gaming Convention in January. We always have such a great time playing the game with you, cheering you on at the Pub, trying to identify your two facts and a fib, and hearing your own stories about Ireland and Irish culture. We really hope that this game will make everyone feel a little more connected to Saint Patrick and the Emerald Isle.
Shout outs! 📣😍
  • Tom, thank you for editing our new Haunted Inheritance rule book and making sure every rule, and every joke, made it into the new edition. We are so appreciative of your assistance, and your enthusiasm.
  • Thank you to Darren and the team at Triple Crown for making our t-shirt designs a reality! … and for being awesome in general.
  • Keegan, thank you for using your artistic talents to help us redesign our Pizza With a Fork logo. Check out our new logo at the top of the newsletter!!
  • We appreciate Lynn and Grace at Hero Time for their attention to diligence and attention to detail in getting Haunted Inheritance ready for mass production.
  • A special thank you to Heather’s brother, Grant, for helping us with our vendor booth. Come say, “Hi,” to him at Strong Tower!
  • And to every one of you, our “Pizza People,” thank you so much for your continued support over the past two years. It still amazes us whenever we have a moment to be still and think about what a joy it is to share our games with you.
You are the best!
🍕David & Heather
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