Accessibility for Haunted Inheritance

Wow!  We have started our crowd sale at The Game Crafter and it has been amazing! We have sold over 20 games in just a few days! Wow!

One of the features that we were intentional about including in our game, is accessibility for those who have a hard time playing board games. We want our games to be accessible to anyone who wants to play. While we can’t make every adjustment, we want to do the best we can with those friends in mind who have a different ability. For Haunted Inheritance, we thought a lot about specifically, color-blindness.  

We have several family members and friends who are color-blind. Some see shades of reds, some blues, some greys… all which make it tricky to ‘draw the red card’ or ‘take a purple card’ or ‘look for the blue cards.’ We have played several games where those friends and family members have to struggle through, ask for help, or guess when they are playing games. 

We wanted Haunted Inheritance to be easier for them.

For all of our pieces, we have a color AND a symbol that will help everyone determine how to play with the least amount of frustration possible.  (We can’t promise that pesky zombie won’t frustrate you. He’s relentless!) Any-who… We want our gamers to know what the meaning of a symbol is, what card to choose, or how to strategize their next move without having to rely on guessing and just being ok with ‘whatever’.

Check out the cards and the board below.

The 7 colored cards for Haunted Inheritance: Red monster, blue search, orange Sunrise, purple wound, black Clock Strike, Gold angel, and grey Zombie cards
The fronts of the 7 colored cards for Haunted Inheritance: Red skeleton, blue pillowcase with $120,000, orange Sunrise, purple wound card with a picture of a band-aid, black Gathering Storm card, Gold Messenger Angel, and grey Zombie card

We have made each card with a different color AND symbol. 

For example, the MONSTER cards are all red. For our different ability friends, they also have a monster symbol on them. On the card, it says they appear (or spawn) on the red star. The SEARCH cards are blue AND all have a question mark. The WOUND cards are purple AND all have a drop of blood.

Using both colors AND symbols to help strategize and play and make our game more accessible for those who have trouble seeing colors. It can also help with those who cannot read or who are learning English. Maybe a French version of Haunted Inheritance is on the horizon!

To those friends, family, and fans who struggle with this, we hope that playing our game helps make life just a little easier and a lot more fun! …but you still have to watch out for the Floating Head! He lurks all over the mansion!

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