February Newsletter

February 11, 2024
Calling all Pizza People!
Hi, everyone! We have some exciting news, but we also need your help. We had such a great response to our games at the Midwinter Gaming Convention that we are applying for a small business loan so that we can mass produce Haunted Inheritance and Float Your Boat. However, we need your help getting some reviews of Haunted Inheritance! Will you take a few moments to rank our game?
In this newsletter:
  1. Post a Review (Please)!
  2. Midwinter Adventures
  3. Luck: Legends of Ireland Updates
  4. Expansions in the Works!
  5. Shout Outs
Post a Review (Please)!
We had so many people wanting Haunted Inheritance and Float Your Boat that we are getting ready to mass produce both of these games through a printer in Hong Kong. In order to do this, we are submitting an application for a small business loan, but we need your help! Would you take a few minutes to review Haunted Inheritance on Board Game Geek?
How do I leave a review?
1. Follow this link to the Haunted Inheritance page on Board Game Geek: Haunted Inheritance Review
2. Click the number of stars you want to rank us.
3. Sign In or click “Sign Up” to create a free Board Game Geek account.
4. Leave a comment. 😀
What is Board Game Geek?
If you have never heard of Board Game Geek, this is a red letter day for you! Board Game Geek is an awesome free website that catalogs all known board games in existence! You can read reviews, look up pictures of games, save an online list of the games in your personal collection, and even find people selling hard-to-find games.
Midwinter Adventures
Heather, David, and friends had an amazing time at the Midwinter Gaming Convention. We want to thank Anne, Joe, and all of the other Midwinter hosts for creating a great gaming experience for us all and getting us through a snowstorm and power outage! With only emergency lighting, body heat, and some creative but delicious food options, the gaming continued throughout the 19-or-so-hour power outage. (The vampires and vampire hunters in the room across the hall didn’t even need lights to keep their gaming going!)
We especially enjoyed the opportunity to meet other game designers, including:
  • Jimmy Sanders, designer of Dualing Dice and owner of a game store in Illinois.
  • Josh McBride, missionary game designer who dedicates all of the proceeds from his games to educating the poor in Nicaragua. His Grumblestone game is coming to Kickstarter soon!
Heather and David also got to host a Haunted Inheritance tournament in place of James, who couldn’t make it. It was so much fun cheering Jennifer, D, and Anna on to victory!
We had so many people wanting to purchase Haunted Inheritance that we are getting a special indy developer vendor booth at next year’s Midwinter convention! 
Luck: Legends of Ireland Updates
We got some great feedback from the people who sat down and tried their luck with David at the Midwinter Protospiel event and with Heather in the main game hall. With a few more tweaks, we think Luck: Legends of Ireland is well on its way to becoming our next released board game.
Thank you so much to everyone who tried out the game and offered their suggestions on what to keep and what change to try. We had a great time exploring Irish legends with you, swapping stories about your travels, and hearing your two Facts and a Fib!
Expansions in the Works
You can’t keep a designer from designing! Even though he is hard at work getting the funding and printing lined up for Haunted Inheritance and Float Your Boat, David is working on one, maybe two, expansions to Haunted Inheritance!
If you love Haunted Inheritance so much you want even more, there are some exciting developments in the works! Stay tuned for more details in future editions of our newsletter! 
Shout outs! 📣😍
  • Cal, Chris, Christina, Joan, Ken, and Suzi, thank you for being part of the Midwinter protospiel! Your feedback was so valuable!
  • D and Jennifer, we feel like you were our best buds at the convention. It was so fun getting to know you!
  • Thank you to Kevin, Thomas, Joe, Sarah, and Tim for playing Luck with Heather! (Tim, the fairies miss you. They dig your dancing.)
  • A special thank you to Jess and Ariel for playing both Luck and Haunted Inheritance!
  • Sarah, what would a convention be without you? Hopefully we will never know!
  • Anna, it was great reconnecting with you. I hope we see you again soon!
  • To Dee Dee and Raymond, neither snow nor rain nor power outage…😄
Until next time…thank you so much for making our dreams come true by playing our games and sharing them with others!
(And don’t forget to click here to review Haunted Inheritance!)
🍕David & Heather
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