Newsletter #4

January 16, 2023
Happy New Year, Pizza People!
We wish you a wonderful new year with lots of love and laughter and game playing! Thanks for being part of our crew. We have some exciting news to share and some shout outs to … shout out. 😂
In this newsletter:
  1. Haunted Inheritance Updates
  2. Here comes game #2!
  3. Midwinter Gaming Convention Reflections
  4. Shout outs 😁📣
👻Haunted Inheritance👻:
If you ordered Haunted Inheritance, the ship date has moved up almost a whole month! It looks like it is set to print on February 27, 2023 instead of late March or early April. You should receive an email from The Game Crafter when the game prints and ships. We will also be keeping an eye on it for you. 
Over the last five months, we have gone to several gaming conventions and played with many different types of gamers. Strategy thinkers to RPGers to ‘I want an easy game to play’-ers. David has been collecting questions that have been asked or rules that need to be clarified. We are currently working on a FAQ page to go along with the release of the game. If you ever have questions or clarifications, always feel free to check the FAQs or shoot us an email. We should have that page, and a game webpage redesign, out in early February.
Here Comes Game #2!
While we loved making Haunted Inheritance, we also want to try out a few card games that we have in our queue. Float Your Boat is our first card game and will be out later this year. We have created a prototype and are play testing it now with anyone who wants to give us feedback. The game is a simple memory matching game. However, when you do not make a match… the flood waters rise and make the game more challenging! Can you get all of the animals on board before the ark sets sail?
This game is a special one for our family. When our niece was baptized about 13 years ago, Uncle David made her a Noah’s Ark matching game so she could learn her animals and have fun doing it. Now, she knows all her animals! We’re not saying that it was ALL thanks to Uncle David’s game… but we’re not saying it wasn’t his game that spurred her on to be a brilliant animal identifier! 
The game will come with a base game playable by kids and family members, as well as an expansion that will make you wish you had the memory of an elephant! We can’t wait to share it with you!
Midwinter Gaming Convention Reflections:
What a fantastic weekend at the Midwinter Gaming Convention! The venue was such a beautiful setting to play games, meet new people, and enjoy playing Haunted Inheritance. David loved being downtown Milwaukee after working there many years ago. So much has changed, but there was enough that was still the same and brought back great memories.
David started out on Thursday with 3 sessions and Heather joined on Friday for the rest of the weekend. There were lots of laughs, looting, lock picking, cooperation, betrayal, and redemption. Almost all of our sessions were full. What a blessing to have so many sign up to play our game! Check out some of our shout outs for some of the memorable highlights of the convention!
We ended our weekend at the County Clare Inn & Pub. All we have to say is… you have GOT to check this place out! We had a spa tub in our room, a comfy bed, an Irish pub downstairs, and a delicious omelette station at breakfast. Ahhhh-mazing! David loved the Chicken Shannon and Heather was all in for the Reuben Rolls! Oh… did I mention the Irish Bread Pudding? It’s like heaven on a plate. With whip cream. And vanilla sauce. (Great… now I am starting to drool!) If you are ever needing a get-away or a place to stay, we highly recommend the County Clare for a stay or for a fantastic meal! 
Shout Out Time!
Yay! Our favorite part! We love thanking and celebrating…YOU!
  • Thank you, Alexis, for letting Uncle David publish your animal game!  You are the G.O.A.T!!
  • Anne, we sooo appreciate the invitation to the Midwinter Gaming Convention. We are sooo coming back next year!
  • Joe, thank you for taking time out of your hosting duties to play Haunted Inheritance with us, and keeping us stocked with raffle tickets to hand out to our players.
  • Brian C., you have inspired us to implement a new rule clarification. We are calling it Brian’s Rule… Thank you for being so creative in your attempts to open locked doors. – Even if it took almost the whole game to get into that Egyptian Room!
  • Bex, thank you for loving Haunted Inheritance and jumping onto our mailing list immediately after playing!
  • Thank you to Brian from Madison for being the very first person to playtest Float Your Boat, and for teaching us how to play Paperback! Say, “Hi,” to JT at The Game Crafter for us.
  • James, thank you so much for supporting our crowd sale and bringing your friends along to play Haunted Inheritance. It was so much fun playing with you!
  • We were especially honored to have J. Peter Aguilu play with us and keep David company in the hotel restaurant. Your game designs are amazing!
  • DeeDee & Raymond, our conference buddies, we love you!
  • Carolina thanks for taking care of our house while we were gone! Sorry you were frozen for a bit!
  • Mayer Crew, it is always so nice to hang out with you. Thanks for the sister wine and the nephew snuggles!!
  • Jason and Emily, it was awesome talking to you and learning how to play Factions Battlegrounds! We played it with our nephew and he loved it. Thanks for sharing your passion and so many commonalities with us!
  • Drussia at the County Clare front desk, it was so fun talking to you about your niece and playing cards. Best of luck to you as you continue your classes!
  • And you everyone else who played Haunted Inheritance with us… we loved meeting you and getting to see your different personalities shine through gaming! It brings us so much joy! We hope to see you again soon at another venue.

❤We love our Pizza People!

May your days and games be full of laughs, and your pizza be eaten with a fork!
🍕Heather & David
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