Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Merry Christmas

David and I celebrate Christmas as a time we remember that our Savior, Jesus Christ, was born into this world. We believe that he came as a baby, grew up, loved people, and sacrificed himself for the wrongs that we have done. We believe that God did not have to make this big sacrifice, but because He loved us so much, he sent his only son to earth, to make a way for us to live in perfect peace with God.

There are a lot of things in this world that are not right. However, if you look at how Jesus lived (not how Christians are living) and how he loved others, it was truly amazing. He loved and accepted those who were cast out and forgotten. He loved and accepted those who were lonely and alone. He loved those who didn’t fit in with the ‘popular crowd.’ We want to love like that. 

I know I have not always been that type of loving. In fact, there are many times that I’m sure Jesus was not-so-proud of me. However, I know that he still loves me… flaws and all. He loves you, just as you are, too! Knowing that I have received that measure of love also lets me love others with big love. Listening when someone needs an ear, spending time when someone is lonely, encouraging when someone is down — I have learned to do this well because I have a role model in Jesus that I can follow.

To those of you who celebrate the a different holiday… or no holiday, I wish you good health, happiness and lots and lots of love this winter season. May you find true joy and peace.  …and I hope you get to eat a big gooey piece of pizza… with a fork!

red, christmas tree, christmas-2892235.jpg

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