Do and Redo and Redo

Do and Redo and Redo

What is that saying? Rome wasn’t built in a day.  Well, neither was Haunted Inheritance.

David first designed Haunted Inheritance over 20 years ago. It’s name was different. It’s look was different. How you played the game was different. He playtested, then tweaked his game hundreds of times. …and then he married me. 

I like, nay, love efficiency. When I found out my husband had spent 20+ years designing a game, I was baffled. That seemed as crazy to me as eating the same pizza for 20 years over, and over, and over. Especially because it was a really, really good game… that needed a few tweaks. His game was creative, had a fun game mechanic, kept me intrigued, was different every time we played it, and… it was fun! People who played it with us loved it! We worked on it together for a few years and then I realized it might be 20 more years if we didn’t pull the ripcord and get it published. So here we are!

We are super excited about the game. David will tell you that I helped design our game. I did help with some of the tweaks, but the brilliance behind this game is David and his super fun, super creative, super perfectionistic, super amazing brain. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

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