The kickoff: Did you stub your toe?

Well, we did it! We kicked off our first company! Pizza With A Fork Games has been a long time coming. David has been working on some of his games for over 40 years. His first game design was back in the early 80’s. Little did he know he would marry a girl who loved board games, even if no one in her family ever really wanted to play. While it feels like we are walking around in the dark, maybe stubbing our toes on a few bumps, we are super excited for you to be able to experience the excitement and play our games.

David is really the mastermind behind the games. His knack for creative game mechanics, statistic configurations, and strategy gaming is amazing. I am more of the go-to for playtesting feedback, tweeks or edits, and ‘What-about-this-David?’. He is grounded and my head is in the clouds. It makes for a fun creative pairing!

We are excited to introduce our first game… Haunted Inheritance. It is a game that will involve monsters, zombies, angels, strategies or alliances that may change during the game, a clock with surprising twists, trap doors and hidden passageways, and if you’re lucky… you’ll be able to break the curse. Who knows? You may even be able to make it to sunup with thousands of dollars! Cha-ching!

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